2013年12月4日 星期三

背包客自助行旅遊英文 - 機場 Travel English - Airport

 確認班機 Confirming Your Flight

Some airlines require you to call a couple days in advance to confirm your departure date.

Here are some sentences you will be asked and what you will need to say.

You: "I would like to confirm my flight." (我想要確認我的班機。)
Them: "Can I get your ticket number?" (您的機票號碼?)
You: "The number is 37-9-12." (號碼為37-9-12。)
Them: "You are scheduled to depart on October 1st at 3:00 pm. Is this correct?"
You: "Yes it is." (是的。)
Them: "Is anybody else traveling with you?" (有任何人與您一同前往嗎?)
You: "Yes, my wife." (有,我的老婆。)
Them: "Can I have the other ticket number?" (可以提供其他機票號碼嗎?)
You: "It is 78-5-03." (它是78-5-03。)
Them: "Your tickets have been confirmed. Please arrive at the airport 3 hours before your flight departs. Thank you for calling."

Some other questions you might hear are similar to the ones you might hear at the airport counter. 在機場櫃檯,您可能會聽到類似的問題。

"Would you like to book your seats now?" (您想要劃位嗎?)
"Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?" (您想要做靠窗座位或是走道座位呢?)

"What is your ticket number?" (您的機票號碼?)
"What is your last name?" (您的姓為何呢?)
"What is your first name?" (您的名為何呢?)

